Jukka Ala-Mutka | Speaker Profile


Change Agent



Jukka Ala-Mutka is a noted thought leader in leadership, agility, artificial intelligence, and innovation; a keynote speaker, and an author, as well as an appreciated contributor to leadership and organizational culture in social media. He has founded six companies, executed change programs for large enterprises, and given hands-on training for over 200 new business ideas.

He has held a post-doctoral research fellow in Management and Organization at McGill University in Canada, a senior research fellow, and a lecturer at the Helsinki School of Economics and Aalto University in Finland. His new book in Finnish – Johtajuuden rakentajat: Edelläkävijöiden kertomuksia itseohjautuvuudesta ja kokeilukulttuurista – is the research of shared leadership, self-organization, and the culture of experimentation from 12 case studies – a much-needed guide for any company that seeks to succeed through a transformation in the age of artificial intelligence. Jukka has written three books in Finnish, and the new one – The Nordic Leadership – is coming in 2025. Jukka working with the critical aspects of shared leadership, growth hacking, and the culture of experimentation.

Jukka has excellent know-how and experience to help Stora Enso to find interesting ways of commercializing new products and solutions.

— Ari Lehikoinen, Stora Enso



Food for thought


Jukka Ala-Mutka combines rigorous analysis with a creative and often surprising outlook on human behavior, bringing topics like a team sport and organizational psychology into his interpretations of existing and future organization and business.

Jukka’s approach to leadership, agility, and business is highly creative and often turns notions we take for granted on their heads. Rather than presenting the same buzzword as everyone else, he challenges our thinking through provocation, juxtaposition, and real stories. His audiences tend to thank him for both the smiles and the food for thought.

The real stories are based on his long career in change management and extensive case studies as well. Jukka has analyzed and executed restructuring, growth and change programs in various industries; IT, metal, beverages, oil & gas, and interior furniture.

Here he discusses the challenges the present change management truths and inconsistent demands placed on leaders, and how the best servant leaders manage to deal through the transformation.

“He has a vast understanding of the digital future equipped with versatile examples from different industry fields.”

— Antti Lippo

Work Experience

1996-2001 Business Development Manager, Siemens

2001-2005 Strategy consultant for TOP 500 companies in Finland

2006-2009 Postdoctoral research fellow, McGill University (Canada) & Helsinki School of Economics, Finland

2006-2015 Senior lecturer, Helsinki School of Economics & Aalto University, Finland

2006-2018 Serial entrepreneur, invested in five companies (consulting, business software, education & entertainment technology, mobile music app, Volvo Open 60 ocean race sailing boat) 

2018-2019 Growth Hacker, Fingertip (business software)

2020 Lead Scientist, Tealbox.io (business software)

2005- Strategy consultant, board member, science, and investments, Growman Ltd. (self-employed)

2020-2023 Real estate development (2 buildings & 6 apartments)

2019- Keynote speaker MySpeaker (contract),

2019- Thought leader/Influencer: Bonfire (contract)

2022-2023 Humap Consultation, Growth Culture Hacker, Consultant (contract)

2023- Head of AI, Admicom Plc (construction & real estate software, ERP, Project management, documentation)

“Jukka is highly professional, flexible and reliable as a co-operation partner”

— Jukka Nordlund, Aalto University, Small Business Center


2025 Nordic Leadership - From growth hacking to growth culture (forthcoming)

2019 Johtajuuden rakentajat, Growman (in Finnish) => Buy 

2008 Strategiamalli, Alma/Talentum (in Finnish) => Buy

2004 Tee asiakassuhteista tuottavia Alma/Talentum (in Finnish)


1997 M.Sc (tech), Tampere University of Technology, Finland

2005 D.Sc. (tech), Tampere University of Technology, Finland

2024 B.Sc. (eng.), Construction Site Management, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

“His hands-on methods and examples are proven by real-life customers and provides real results.”

— Juha Ilmelä, Creanor Inc when working with Jukka


Jukka Ala-Mutka, D.Sc.

Innovator, speaker, scientist, and consultant

Jukka Ala-Mutka is passionate about finding new ways to lead in the era of artificial intelligence, platforms, and social media. He has founded six companies, executed change programs for large enterprises and given hands-on training for over 200 new business ideas e.g., in Aalto University Startup Center, Aalto University Executive Education, and XAMK Small Business Center.

His core competencies are a business in the digital era, agile culture, growth hacking, business model innovation, and shared leadership. He worked as a business development manager at Siemens and as a strategy consultant for large enterprises, SMEs, and technology startups.

Alongside his work, he has done academic research at McGill University in Canada, and in Finland at Aalto University, Helsinki School of Economics, and Tampere University of Technology. His work focuses on issues of shared leadership, growth hacking, and growth culture in the era of artificial intelligence, and often builds on counter-intuitive analyses of core assumptions within leadership thinking.

Jukka has written three books about strategic agility, customer experience, and shared leadership & the culture of experimentation. Jukka taught innovation and strategy for nine years (2006-2015) at Helsinki School of Economics and Aalto University, Finland.

Jukka frequently speaks at various events, ranging from Executive MBA and leadership programs to giving interactive sessions and workshops for smaller groups and startups.

My motto: “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.”

— Pippi Longstocking

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Jukka Ala-Mutka